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What is PTSD


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What is PTSD


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What is gezinta

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Gezinta means health.

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Meaning & Purpose

Bee on a sunflower

Bee on a Sunflower

As the bee needs the sunflower, the sunflower needs the bee.

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Bee on a sunflower

Bee on a Sunflower

Urban legend has it that when there is no sunshine or light to turn to, the sunflowers turn to each other to share their energy and light. In the same way, having a support structure of people who care deeply about our well-being- that share their light and energy willingly, is essential to healing from PTSD and the debilitating effects it has on our lives. Having a fellow human being believe in you, supporting you and guiding you- while reminding you that you are worth their investment of time, is critical to rebuilding a new and profoundly meaningful life.

Legends around bees- built on scientific evidence, define honeybees as royalty with a work ethic. One of the hardest working beings on the planet, a bee’s life revolves around the honeycomb- the place they call home. The head of the hive- the Queen Bee lives to reproduce, while the worker bees fly out to collect the hive’s gold in the form of pollen from a diverse array of flowers. Back at their honeycomb home, the nectar is regurgitated into honey, that sustains the queen and all members of the hive.

Along the way the bee picks up elements of life, much like humans do as they travail with the business of daily life. Facing challenges such as pesticides and other toxins like the bee, we all need to tap into our life’s meaning, and labor to heal ourselves and the world around us. And rely relationships that build us up and keep us going. It's an intrinsic part of the human journey. predators can be fatal, while other negative encounters can debilitate the bee- and sometimes influence the hive itself. But bees diligently pursue the destiny wired into their DNA- to serve the philoprogenitive queen, little realizing that the meaning of their lives- to sow pollen far and wide, is not only a critical element in the cycle of life, but covers the Earth in floral splendour. Without the worker bee, the world would be a dreary place, where only a few could thrive- or even survive.

As the sunflower turns to support a fellow flower in need, the bee gently extracts the tiny particles necessary to the survival of the flower species, and the nectar that sustains it’s own tribe. It is by doing- by working at it’s core reason for being, that the symbiosis between the two helps both to thrive. 

Like the bee, we all need to tap into our life’s meaning, and labor to heal ourselves and the world around us. And rely on relationships that build us up and keep us going. It's an intrinsic part of the human journey.

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About Gezinta

Gezinta's content is for inspirational, informational and aspirational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is a blog created to provide support and resources for individuals who are struggling with trauma- including the symptoms of PTSD.

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